Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Here leezard, leezard, leezard....

Here's a funny drawing of mine I found, from back in high school. Lacey and I were working at Moss Landing Marine Labs at the time, on a big project involving legless lizards. One of the ladies at the lab had a pet chihuahua named (I think) Sergio, who was sort of a little mascot for us. We wanted to train him to be a lizard hound and help us track and catch the little critters, but no luck. I did, however, have fun drawing him as such. The lizards weren't really quite that big, but some of them could probably still have put up a good fight against little Sergio.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a wall. I can hardly wait to see it. Also, even though you have (apparently) set aside your art for a while, you are really good. I still have the whale you did and I definitely remember "Here leezard, leezard" from that summer. What fun.

Lacey said...

I remember that drawing! Didn't we actually pose Sergio with a bucket propped up on a stick and take some pictures as well? It was all very silly. Hooray for lizard memories! :)

Anonymous said...

Guess we got left out somehow, never heard of the leezards. Boo hoo.